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Ingalls Winter 2022 Intern Review: Elizabeth Stanton

In this Intern Review, we talk to Elizabeth Stanton to learn what it’s like working in a SOC and how that’s influenced her outlook and career path in cybersecurity. 

Intern Midterm Review (Elizabeth Stanton)_Pic-v2Our Winter 2022 intern cohort has three cyber-hungry interns who’ve eagerly jumped into learning what it’s like working in a Security Operations Center (SOC). Now that we are nearing the end of this internship cohort, we thought it was time to conduct an interview to learn what life’s really like inside the SOC at Ingalls! Read on to hear from our amazing intern Elizabeth Stanton.


What have you learned about working within a SOC during this internship?

There are three major skills that are needed to be in SOC. The ability to research information efficiently, discern benign from malicious behaviors, and manage imposter’s syndrome.

What's the most interesting threat actor attempt you've seen?

A threat actor was able to bring up a hidden splash page and gain an authentication token without having the credentials to sign into the website. Then they were able to use that token to hack into the website and save entries on the website.

How has this internship influenced your outlook and career path in cybersecurity?

Before the internship, I assumed only people with IT or related backgrounds would be qualified. But, it is an industry that requires people from all different backgrounds in order to achieve both Red and Blue team-related goals.

What are your favorite resources for what's happening in cybersecurity?

The greatest resources I have are Google, the knowledgeable coworkers of Ingalls Information Security, and my friends in the field. Through these resources, I gain diverse information that’s relevant to me at the time. Although, I also enjoy David Bombal and NetworkChuck on YouTube.

What are your activities/educational goals for the next year?

I’m going to pursue writing fiction stories in my downtime and try to incorporate cybersecurity practices that readers can apply in their own lives. I also plan on obtaining my Security+ certification over the coming year.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time to reach work-life balance? 

I’ve started archery, yoga and continue to pursue writing fiction novels. I also play co-op video games as well as Dungeons and Dragons.


Are you interested in becoming one of our awesome interns? Check out our SOC Intern Yearbook and reach out to our team directly for more details.
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