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Cybersecurity Grant Opportunity From DHS/FEMA

Did You Know?

The federal government generally offers grants to state and local governments and nonprofits. Given the threat landscape these days, cybersecurity has been an increased focus of grant opportunities.


DHS/FEMA is offering a grant opportunity that focuses on enhancing the ability of state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as nonprofits, to: prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks. These grant programs are part of a comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by DHS to help strengthen the Nation’s communities against potential terrorist attacks. 


DHS/FEMA, in assessing the national risk profile for FY 2020, four priority areas attract the most concern. And due to the unique threats that the nation faces in 2020, DHS/FEMA has determined that these four priorities should be addressed by allocating specific percentages of Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funds to each of these four areas, for a total of 20 percent. The following are the four priority areas for FY 2020, along with the corresponding amount of HSGP funds that each recipient will be required to propose for each priority area in order to obtain a full allocation of HSGP funds: 

  1. Enhancing cybersecurity (including election security) – 5 percent 
  2. Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places (including election security) – 5 percent; 
  3. Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies, including DHS – 5 percent; 
  4. Addressing emergent threats (e.g., unmanned aerial systems [UASs], etc.) – 5 percent. 

Are You Eligible?

Act now to review the DHS/FEMA Grant Opportunity as the deadline is fast approaching and grant requests must be submitted by 30 Apr. If you are not familiar with the federal government grant program, check out to learn more.

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